$5,000 Lucky Red Envelope Giveaway Pechanga lets players get even luckier with the “Lucky Red Envel…
[2025-01-24]Bank of Hope (CEO Kevin Kim) has stepped up to actively support victims of the unprecedented wildfi…
[2025-01-24]The trend of converting vacant office buildings in Downtown Los Angeles into residential housing is…
[2025-01-24]A new massive wildfire broke out on the 22nd in Los Angeles (LA), the largest city in the western U…
[2025-01-23]In 2024, global automakers fiercely competed for dominance in the U.S. auto market, home to 340 mil…
[2025-01-21]On January 20, Donald Trump was inaugurated as the 47th President of the United States, marking the…
[2025-01-21]The U.S. government began cracking down on undocumented immigrants on January 21, the day after Pre…
[2025-01-21]Starting this year, California workers earning less than $63,000 annually will be entitled to 90% o…
[2025-01-20]The Chinese-owned video platform TikTok abruptly halted its service in the U.S. on January 18, just…
[2025-01-20]Donald Trump, who has emphasized “America First” policies, will be inaugurated on January 20th as t…
[2025-01-20]The Pechanga Tribe in Southern California announced today a contribution of $500,000.00 to assist L…
[2025-01-17]Last year, the number of real estate transactions in LA Koreatown remained consistent with the prev…
[2025-01-17]Outgoing President Joe Biden warned of the dangers of power being dangerously concentrated in the h…
[2025-01-17]The Corruption Investigation Office for High-Ranking Officials (CIO) filed an arrest warrant for Pr…
[2025-01-17]The Biden administration has finalized regulations effectively banning the sale of connected vehicl…
[2025-01-16]The insurance losses from the massive wildfires sweeping through Los Angeles are projected to set a…
[2025-01-16]As the wildfire crisis in the LA area enters its ninth day, the Pacific Palisades and nearby region…
[2025-01-16]The Overseas Koreans Agency (Director General Lee Sang-deok) announced on the 15th that it is hosti…
[2025-01-16]With the second Trump administration set to take office in just a week, concerns are mounting over …
[2025-01-15]The ongoing massive wildfires across the Los Angeles (LA) area are expected to cost the insurance i…
[2025-01-15]체포직원 3명 중 시민권자도 포함뉴욕·뉴저지 일원 첫 확인 단속뉴저지 최대 도시인 뉴왁에서 연방이민세관단속국(ICE)이 영장도 없이 사업체를 …
미 프로풋볼(NFL) 플레이오프에 와일드카드로 진출한 워싱턴 커맨더스는 조 1위 팀을 차례로 꺾으며 내셔널 컨퍼런스(NFC) 결승전에 올랐다.…
한국 클래식 무대를 뜨겁게 달구고 있는 K-클래식 주인공들이 2월과 3월 샌프란시스코 무대에서 리사이틀을 갖는다. 첫 포문을 여는 피아니스트는…